
Repetition of Routine

We often talk about ‘repetition’ as a means to building strength, improving your form and achieving results. We prioritise a healthy ‘routine’ to stay balanced, reduce stress and find clarity within the chaos of daily life.

However when we put the two together, is your ‘repetition of routine’ getting you down?

The repetitive nature of our daily routines can become mundane, which can leave you feeling uninspired or searching for a greater purpose in life. So, how can we refresh our ‘repetition of routine’ to rediscover our self-empowerment and maximise our potential?

Movement is a great place to start. We all know the physical benefits of consistent exercise – strengthening, supporting and stabilising our muscles to move well, free of pain. Movement improves our cardiovascular fitness to support a healthy heart, and kickstarts our metabolism to aid with digestion and promote a healthy gut. 

Not only does movement bring physical benefits, consistent exercise boosts our endorphins (feel-good hormones), promotes circulation and incorporates breathwork to reduce stress and anxiety. Movement fires strength from within – generating an overwhelming sense of empowerment, confidence and motivation to reach our greatest potential.

So the next time you are feeling a bit underwhelmed by the daily grind, try a workout. You will never regret getting on the mat and moving your body.

Favourite workout at the moment: Mini Abs 20

Challenge, Movement

Lazy Girl Workout Plan

The Lazy Girl workout plan is not just for the lazy girls, but for those days you just cannot bear the thought of working out. Quite often it’s these days when our bodies need it most, however we give-in to watching Netflix or scrolling on our phones. Rather than releasing stress and tension, we start to hold this in our bodies which creates long-term imbalances in our hips, neck and posture. You can read more on that here.

But don’t feel guilty – I can relate to those feelings after a full day at work, between running around after the kids and finding the time to cook dinner, catch up on emails and get my workout in. Even when it’s the last thing I think my body needs, it always feels better for it. Movement is a way to release the build up of stress and tension we hold onto through our busy lifestyles. It supports our circulation and blood flow, which boosts our energy, improves our digestive system and stimulates our nervous system – all essential to a healthy body and mind.

So next time the lounge is staring at you after a long day at work, try swapping 20 minutes of your TV show for a workout and feel the difference it makes in your mood, posture, sleep and energy levels.

Feeling ultra-lazy? Here are my top 5 tips for the ultimate Lazy Girl.

  1. Start with a stretch. Sometimes the best place to start is just by rolling around on your mat. Start my wriggling all ten toes, then find a bit of movement in your legs, find neutral pelvis, feel your lower abs connect, feel your ribcage connect, roll your shoulders back, open up your chest and feel energy through your fingertips. Now you are ready to move.
  2. Set up your mat and equipment next to your bed and literally roll out of bed. Getting your workouts done in the morning removes the barriers you create during the day to move. If you are short on time, set your alarm 20 minutes earlier and get your workout done before anything else in the morning. It will wake you up, and set you up for the day.
  3. Do something you actually enjoy doing, rather than exercise which feels like a punish. This one sounds obvious, however often we set unrealistic expectations of going for a run, going to the gym or showing up to an early morning HIIT session. All types of movement have benefits on the mind and body, yet some leave us feeling more depleted than when we started. Find something you actually enjoy doing, and still have the energy to move after your workout. 
  4. Embrace rest and recovery. Rather than categorising sleep, rest or general relaxation as “laziness”, embrace these moments as self-care. Take yourself for a massage, allow yourself to sleep in, spend a few moments during the day to meditate or enjoy a weekly sauna session. Honour your body’s recovery and relaxation process to actually improve your workouts. 
  5. Set yourself a goal and celebrate your wins. Feeling ultra-lazy? Set yourself a goal of 3 workouts this week, and when you get them done, celebrate! Buy a new outfit for the weekend, call a friend to tell them, do something which makes you feel good. 



“There aren’t many competitions where you are able to walk away and be reminded of the win in your overall body transformation – it’s such an amazing feeling.”

1. What did a typical day look like for you before Fluidform? 

I had my first baby in early 2021, away from family and friends in Tasmania. Each day was dedicated to learning new things about myself and my baby as we both grew into new people. Showering when I could, eating when I remembered to and never sleeping when the baby slept. My partner and I were living away from home to start his career in Journalism, so it was super hard for me to leave the house unless he was home – which anyone working in Journalism will understand is scarce. I bought myself a treadmill to use at home but found it way too high intensity for my abilities at that time. I started scrounging through YouTube for the best ‘ultimate ab workout’ to get my ‘pre baby’ body back, but nothing worked. Nothing spoke to me and my best method of fitness. Pre baby I was running, I was doing yoga, I was swimming, I was doing whatever I could – I loved being and feeling fit. Fitness was integral to my wellbeing. It was a feeling nothing had prepared me for –  to exist in the postnatal period and lose that dedication to myself, in exchange for the deepest love I’d ever felt. 

My sister-in-law came to visit one day and i shared my frustration around rarely being able to leave the house to workout, and immediately she suggested Fluidform. When she left I signed up for the trial, got my free equipment pack and have never looked back. Fluidform has been transformative in my body and mind. I have two healthy little girls and I have the best body I’ve ever had. Fluidform gave me the chance to feel like myself again, it gave me time to better myself and work on things that were so integral to my health and well-being. Fluidform is such a staple in my life today, I really can’t imagine where I’d be without it. 

2. What was your turning point to sign up to the 6 week challenge? 

I had taken part in the first 6 week challenge back in 2021 and knew the absolutely incredible transformation it had given me then – so it was a no brainer! When I saw the announcement for FFYB 3.0 I remember saying to my partner ‘oh my god they’re doing another challenge!! And I can do it this time!’ … Very conveniently I was 6 weeks postpartum for the beginning of this challenge, so the timing aligned perfectly! My pregnancy had been so rough, I felt so uncomfortable in my body and had so many aches I’d never had before. So this challenge couldn’t have come at a better time. 

3. What did a typical day look like for you during the challenge? 

My days started with a wake-up from a 2 year old, breakfast and a coffee along with my vitamins. Each day of my week has a different structure so when I could fit in my workout depended on that day. On my hardest days though, I’d start the day as above, then entertain my toddler and newborn until they both needed to sleep, then around midday would be my chance to commit to my workouts. Of course, a newborn and a toddler make having plans laughable sometimes, so often this would change. If the day didn’t go to plan, once both girls were in bed at night, that was my Fluidform time. Each day I nourished myself with a salad, complex carbohydrate for energy and some sort of protein for lunch. I absolutely felt that diet was essential to being able to complete the workouts to their full potential. Plus! Eating well meant I was giving myself the very best in that postnatal period, too. 

4. What were your greatest strengths along the way? 

I didn’t give up. Some days were so challenging, as I’ve mentioned with a newborn and a toddler. Some days I had to split single workouts into 3 so I could get them done, but that meant I got them done. I suppose with that, I was also dedicated. I think this came from knowing what this challenge can give me if I stay with it and keep pushing.

But oh my goodness, working out with young kids is so hard! 

5. What were some challenges you faced? 

Kids sicknesses, a baby refusing sleep, a toddler refusing sleep, fluctuating hormones, time – a lack thereof, guilt…. All of the challenges everyone faces on a daily basis. Some days were harder than others, but I found having the structure of Fluidform meant that there was one thing each day that I could rely on to go as planned. When everything else hadn’t gone to plan, committing myself to the workout for the day and getting it done, made me feel great and made whatever else hadn’t gone to plan, not matter. One of the beauriful benefits of the total mind transformation of Fluidform has gifted me. 

Favourite FFAH workout: 

This is so tough! They are all so good! But, the two (can’t pick just one sorry) I have on rotation the most are – Mini Abs 20 and Mini Arms 12. Super quick and gosh they burn! 

Favourite FFAH recipe: 

I absolutely love the Buckwheat and Zucchini bread – so versatile and brilliant if you love bread like me. So easy to make too. 

One piece of advice to anyone looking to embark on a Fluidform 6 week challenge:

This is hard. There’s so many things I could say and do say to anyone who’ll listen about the benefits of Fluidform. I think the best way I can approach this though, is by giving my past self, before I’d completed any challenges, some advice about what the future looks like. If I could, I would say ‘you’re on your way to feeling the best you’ve ever felt’. 

If you’ve read this far, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that committing yourself to Fluidform is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Kee and the team at Fluidform have helped to reshape my life in a way that I will be forever grateful for. I can’t imagine my life without my 20 minutes of Fluidform each day.

Health, Lifestyle

The Benefits of Sweating & Using an Infrared Sauna

Words attributed by Sunlighten AUS & NZ

What exactly does sweating do to our bodies?

Sweating is how the body regulates its temperature. The process of sweating involves water being released through glands in the skin, allowing the body to cool. While the main purpose of sweat is to cool our body, without it we wouldn’t be able to release excess heat – there are many other added benefits of getting sweaty.

The skin, one of the largest organs in the body, is also an important part of our bodies detoxification process. According to Dr. Amy Myers (MD, New York Times bestselling author and functional medicine physician), “sweating is one of the best ways to detox your body. Every time we sweat, we’re flushing out the toxic substances and heavy metals that we encounter in everyday life. Infrared sauna therapy promotes this process by heating your body from the inside to expel them from deep down.”

What are the benefits of the infrared sauna?

Detoxification: One of the main reasons we recommend infrared sauna is to detoxify. In 2011, the Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology published the results of a clinical study analysing the link between sweat and detoxification. The study showed that sweating can be an effective way to eliminate many retained toxic elements from the human body. While some elements are removed very readily, the study found that generally, toxic elements were excreted much more readily than essential elements when sweating.1

Pore cleansing for better skin: Although sweat might make you feel dirty, it’s actually a cleansing process that could result in cleaner, clearer skin. Just be sure to rinse your face after a good sweat to help finish the process and remove any contaminants from the surface of your skin. When referring to Sunlighten’s 3 in 1 technology, Bobbi Brown, founder of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics and best-selling author says, “it helps me with relaxation, helps me with inflammation, it’s great for building collagen. I walk out of the sauna, and I feel rejuvenated. If you want to look good, it’s all about feeling good.”

Improved circulation: A 2005 clinical study by the University of Missouri Kansas City, Sunlighten’s SoloCarbon far infrared heaters were also shown to temporarily lower blood pressure through a program of 30-minute infrared sauna session three times per week. The study concluded that Sunlighten sauna sessions, as part of a healthy lifestyle, dilated blood vessels and reduced the volume of their inner lining, thus increasing circulation needed for healthy blood pressure.2

There is also a myriad of other benefits Infrared enthusiasts turn to Sunlighten for including:

  • Anti-aging
  • Muscle recovery
  • Heart Health
  • Relaxation
  • Immunity
  • Sleep
  • Weight Loss

What is the difference between a traditional sauna vs infrared sauna?

It can take time to sweat in an infrared sauna. Unlike in a traditional sauna where the body is responding to hot air and humidity, your body doesn’t start to sweat immediately in an infrared sauna. Infrared wavelengths are absorbed into the body and raise the core body temperature from within, breaking down toxins and inducing a sweat response.

Everyone’s body is different. Depending on your body’s level of adaptation to heat, the time to sweat and the amount you sweat can vary. Often the sweat glands begin to excrete more during a session between 30 and 40 minutes. Sunlighten’s highly efficient, patented SoloCarbon® infrared heating technology gives you the best
detoxification experience because it is clinically proven to raise core body temperature by almost two degrees celsius. You experience a deep, productive sweat from your cells as the SoloCarbon infrared waves penetrate your skin and heat your core to expel the toxins, rather than just sitting in hot, ambient air that only heats your outer skin.

Additional benefits includes stimulating your metabolism and improving fat burning for energy; increasing calorie burn; helping to eliminate toxins that cause fat storage; and producing an increase in blood flow that mirrors the benefits of a passive cardio workout.

Infrared wavelengths also penetrate joints to improve flexibility, help with muscle soreness and recovery, and near infrared helps with tissue regeneration to help repair and grow muscles faster.

The Sunlighten infrared sauna creates an enjoyable experience of a more productive sweat with broader health benefits when compared to sitting in an uncomfortable, stifling hot and less-productive sweat environment of a traditional sauna.

How many times a week should we sweat?

In his UltraWellness lesson on detoxification, Sunlighten partner Dr. Mark Hyman recommends sweating profusely three times a week in a sauna, steam or detox bath as an important step in helping to detox the body. It is safe to sauna everyday if you have the convenience of our infrared sauna in your home. We recommend to increase your fluid intake to ensure you remain hydrated and support your body to flush away the toxins.

How can we maximise the benefits of using an infrared sauna? For example, is it best to follow with cold therapy afterwards?

Depending on what you turn to infrared for, a holistic approach to maximising the benefits of your sauna experience is encouraged. It is possible to combine wellness modalities, such as cold therapy, to amplify the health benefits.

In addition, if you’re looking for skin healing and muscle recovery, starting your treatment with an AirPod Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy session is recommended to enhance healing, oxygenation of the body before an Infrared sauna session.

1 Blood, urine, and sweat (BUS) study: monitoring and elimination of bioaccumulated toxic elements – PubMed

Missouri, Kansas City Becky Edwards, M.D., Heather Kort D.O Faculty Staff Advisor: Dr. John Foxworth, PharmD

Challenge, Health


A 21-day Pilates challenge brought to you by Fluidform and Sunlighten.

This is your opportunity to move with Fluidform and sweat with Sunlighten.

The SWEAT & SCULPT challenge will introduce NEW workouts to heat, strengthen and tone your body from the inside out. This 21-day challenge will increase your heart rate, get your blood pumping and body moving to break a sweat and release positive endorphins to feel good and feel strong.

The SWEAT & SCULPT challenge is designed to introduce you to the benefits of sweating, detoxification and hydration to leave you feeling energised, rejuvenated and glowing with confidence. 

By the end of this challenge, you will have activated every muscle in your body and challenged your cardio-fitness for a fresh, younger complexion and sculpted physique. 

In partnership with Sunlighten, we are giving away one SUNLIGHTEN AMPLIFY II 2-PERSON INFRARED SAUNA. Register to the challenge via the link below and you could WIN. Sunlighten’s Amplify series sauna gets hotter, heats fast and delivers the detox, cardio and recovery benefits of Sunlighten’s patented SoloCarbon® infrared. Extend your workout with passive cardio while you recover. All the health benefits on your time. 

*Competition available only to Australian-residents. Please note, the Fluidform at Home SWEAT & SCULPT challenge is available worldwide, to all members.

If you are an active Fluidform at Home member, register below for your chance to WIN our Sunlighten competition.

If you are not a Fluidform at Home member, continue reading to find out more and sign up to Fluidform at Home.



Now you know what to expect from this 21-day Pilates challenge, are you ready to transform your body and achieve your goals? It’s time to sign up. 

The SWEAT & SCULPT challenge is available worldwide, to all Fluidform members, launching on your Dashboard on November 13th. Sign up to a 12-month subscription via the Fluidform to receive your FREE equipment pack shipped WORLDWIDE.

Download the Fluidform app to unlock exclusive app features and access your daily workouts and recipes in one convenient location. 

Once you get started, the Challenge will move to your Current Workout to continue at your own pace. Look out for emails from Kee, guiding you through each stage of the challenge.


  • 21-day calendar of daily workouts to sweat, strengthen & tone.
  • 21-day meal plan of recipes to rehydrate, detoxify and sculpt your body.
  • Ongoing guidance to support your personal goals.
  • Beginner & Advanced calendars to choose your own level and achieve real results.

We recommend embarking on this challenge in conjunction with the meal plan to optimise your results. The meal plan is designed as a guide, to recommend balanced and healthy recipes. Please customise the meal plan to meet your nutritional and dietary requirements.


  • 21-day workout calendar. This challenge is suitable for Beginners to Advanced with the opportunity to choose your own level.
  • 21-day meal plan and weekly shopping list, to take the hassle out of eating well. 
  • Ongoing support and guidance from our team of qualified senior instructors.
  • Access to our global community in our private Facebook group.

PLUS all new 12-month subscriptions will receive a FREE equipment pack upon sign up to kickstart your movement journey and create the ultimate in-studio experience, at home. 


  • Access to over 300 workouts, 100+ challenges, balanced recipes and seasonal meal plans.
  • A Personalised Program, designed by Kirsten King, based on your individual needs and goals.
  • Recommended workouts and challenges targeting you and your body. 
  • Support from our team of qualified senior instructors. 
  • Access to our specialised Pre & Postnatal program. Designed by Kirsten to provide safe, supportive and effective movement from conception through to your postpartum recovery. 
  • Access to our recipe database, with balanced and nourishing meal plans to support your movement journey. 

Download our FREE app on the App Store or Google Play to unlock exclusive app features and access all your favourite workouts, challenges, recipes and meal plans in one convenient place.


Sign up to Fluidform at Home to gain access to the challenge launching November 13th.

Start by creating a routine. Set aside time each day to move your body. This is your own time to reset, connect your body and mind and feel amazing.

Create a space to move. Whether this is in your bedroom, the lounge room or outside, find a space you feel most comfortable. Roll out your mat and start moving. 


For this challenge, you will need:

  • Fluidform equipment pack (contains a small Pilates ball, set of resistance bands and pair of discs)
  • Hand weights
  • Ankle weights (optional)
  • Swiss ball
  • Theraband

Your Fluidform equipment pack is shipped FREE to all new 12-month subscription members upon signing up. We believe these pieces of equipment are fundamental to getting the most out of your Fluidform experience and evolving your practice. 

Additional equipment is available to shop on our website. Take your Fluidform experience to the next level and complete your at home studio. 


Make sure you are signed up to our newsletter to receive helpful tips and information to guide you through every step of the challenge. 

Follow us on @fluidformpilates and join our closed Facebook Group for updates and insights into the challenge. The Facebook Group provides overwhelming support from our global community of members. You will feel guided, motivated and inspired every day. 

Have a question about the challenge? Get in touch!Email us on

Community, Lifestyle

A WEEK IN WELLNESS with Victoria Lee

Victoria Lee, a Sydney-based model, ensures she never leaves home without her Fluidform equipment pack, even as her career leads her across the globe. Let’s explore a week of wellness with Victoria…

What does a week in wellness look like for you?

Quality sleep, healthy food, movement, speaking to and spending time with loved ones, getting a moment to read, journal and spend time in nature. If I can incorporate these into my week I always feel my best.

What is your exercise philosophy?

Do activities you enjoy and always listen to your body – I like to challenge myself but I’m very aware of the importance of rest and recovery. I love knowing when I exercise and move my body I am taking care of it for the future.

Which rituals are a non-negotiable part of your week?

My morning routine is kind of like my non-negotiable ritual; I’ll wake up early, drink water, make my morning coffee, do my skincare, write in my journal and do few stretches before I begin my day (often I’ll be out the door to a Fluid Form class). I also love tea, Pukka Tea is my favourite brand of herbal tea, I also love a Bushells black tea with milk and honey, this would also be one of my rituals.

What is the best piece of advice you have received for your wellbeing?

Embrace what makes you you. Your life is unique to you – don’t compare it or yourself to anyone else, focus on what makes you happy and fulfilled.

What is something you will never do again?

Never say never but I didn’t love spin class!

What foods, supplements do you consume on the inside to feel good on the outside?

I eat a healthy diet most of the time to keep me energised throughout the day (generally including eggs, fresh salads, fruit, lots of protein, healthy fats like avocado, olive oil and nuts, and carbohydrates like rice, bread and potatoes). I do have a sweet tooth, I love chocolate, which I think is an important part of a healthy diet – leave room for the things you enjoy simply because you enjoy them. In terms of supplements, I love the Beauty Chef Glow Inner Beauty Essential and Pearl Marine Collagen Powder, (I’ll add the coconut flavour to my morning coffee). If I’m feeling under the weather I’ll take Armaforce by BioCeauticals.

What is your favourite Fluidform studio class?

Lengthen and Lift, and Form 2 but I also love the Jump Board classes, they’re so much fun.

What is your favourite at-home workout?

I have so many favourites on FFAH, there is such a wide variety of challenges, workout lengths and different areas you can focus on. Usually I’ll flick through and find one that jumps out at me. My go-to’s are Total Body 9, Mini Disc 4 (it NEVER gets any easier!), Total Body 15 if I’m pressed for time and Mini Stretch 6 is one I love to wind down with at the end of the day.

What is your pre-workout meal or snack?

Yoghurt with nuts and berries or a banana with almond or peanut butter.

How do you nourish your body post-workout?

I’ll always hydrate and follow my workout with something nourishing – maybe soft boiled eggs on seedy toast with spinach and avocado or a smoothie with banana, berries, nut butter, protein powder, ginger and almond milk.

What is your favourite beauty indulgence?

A facial at Melanie Grant or manicure at Jocelyn Petroni. Saunas at Nimbus Co. are very relaxing.

3 beauty or wellness products you could not live without?

Kester Black Overachiever Balm Cleanser, La Roch-Posay Cicoplast Baume B5 and Sisley Precious hair care oil.

3 ingredients you will find in your kitchen?

Good quality Olive Oil, eggs, chocolate.

Favourite meal in summer?

Fresh seafood.

Favourite meal in winter?

Any kind of really hearty soup or stew full of veggies and meat.

Best wellness experience you have had overseas?

I recently went to a breathwork class with a friend of mine in New York and it was something I had never done before. It was confronting at times, and pushes you out of your comfort zone, but it was incredible, I loved it.

Instagram – victorialee



Witnessing the transformation of the female body during pregnancy is one of the most amazing privileges as an instructor. We experience the body adapting, growing and rebuilding its strength after birth. Our clients share this journey with us, trusting us to care and support them every step of the way.

Pilates and functional movement provides safe, supportive and effective movement for pre and postnatal clients. As instructors, our ability to modify positions and movements, introduce aids and small equipment and adjust programming allows clients to continue to move until childbirth, and again once they have received medical clearance. Movement provides benefits to the physical and mental wellbeing of clients, reducing pain and discomfort, maintaining mobility and strength and reducing stress.

For many reasons, instructors can find teaching pre and postnatal clients daunting and overwhelming. Our Fluidform Pre and Postnatal training workshops will help you build the knowledge to confidently teach your clients and create a safe, supportive environment.


  • Understand the journey of the pre & postnatal body.
  • Prenatal repertoire
  • Postnatal repertoire
  • Tutorial
  • Prenatal & postnatal Q&A with Kee

Fluidform Matwork Pre & Postnatal – Begin Today!

Fluidform Reformer Pre & Postnatal – launching September 18th, 2023.

Fluidform Matwork & Reformer Pre & Postnatal– launching September 18th, 2023

Fluidform Training offers a full range of workshops to build your knowledge as an instructor, follow this link for more details.



As an active mover, you will understand the power of cues. Specific and considered cues have the ability to help you understand a movement, activate every muscle in your body and feel that deep tremor. The right cue is a true light bulb moment!

A great instructor will use clear, simple and intentional cues. A great instructor will control the room, bring energy to the class and change the whole feeling of a movement. There are some key practices that can help you find this cue as an instructor.


A key component of Fluidform Training is self-mastery and being able to feel the movement in your own body. Using your self-mastery to practice your cueing allows you to organise your instructions and elevate your teaching. Finding cues you can relate to, brings flow, simplicity and authenticity to your teaching.


Some clients need cueing to help them slow down and control the movement, others need them as encouragement to get through those last 3 reps.

As you do with your teaching and programming, read the room and adjust your cueing and instructions to suit your class. To bring awareness and control back to the movement, let your clients know what they will be feeling. “You will be feeling this in your supporting leg, keep going!”. A simple cue lets them know they are performing it correctly and should be feeling it.

Counting is also a great cue, counting down helps your clients keep pace, momentum and give them a finish line.

Recording yourself teaching can be a great tool for improving your teaching and finding your cues. Challenge yourself to move through each movement with your eyes closed, purely by following your instructions.

  • Did you provide visual references?
  • Did you set up the position clearly?
  • Did you guide the whole movement?
  • Did you remind your client of the purpose and where they should be feeling the movement?
  • Did you count correctly?

Cueing is essential to your teaching to ensure your client achieves the most of our every movement. Finding your cues will take your programming from a workout to an experience, capturing your clients to ensure they get the most out of every movement.

Health, Nutrition


That has nothing to do with how you look!

Words & images compiled by Al Thursfield of Daily Food.


We’ve all grown up with a pervasive and insidious diet culture which has left long-lasting impacts that are still felt today. The influence of celebrity/tabloid culture of the late 1990s/early 2000s glorified harmful diets and black-and-white mindsets about “good” or “bad” foods. 

While we claim to “know better” now, the impacts run deep and show no signs of letting up. Did you know that, as we speak, 80% of Australian women are dissatisfied with their bodies to some degree?  

We’re anxious about what foods we should be eating and we reprimand ourselves if we’re told we got it “wrong”. We’re made to feel confused, ashamed and guilty, and above all else – we’re thinking about how our bodies look, instead of how they feel. 

It’s time for change. This topic is complex, nuanced and deeply personal. But, there are a few tools we can use to help refocus our perspective and start to change the narrative in our minds. 

So, here are 5 ways food can improve your life, that has nothing to do with how we look.  

  1. Good food improves your mood 

What we eat affects the way we feel. We know that our day-to-day diet impacts our energy levels, focus and concentration, but it also plays a critical role in our mental health. 

Nutrient-rich foods, like those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, contribute to the production of feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which play a pivotal role in regulating our moods. 

Majority of the body’s serotonin is produced in our gut. Research shows a clear link between the brain and the gut – known as the gut-brain axis. With more than 30 neurotransmitters producing nearly 90% of the body’s serotonin – the healthier the gut, the happier the brain. 

  1. Social sharing 

Sharing food with friends also plays an important role in our feelings of general well-being. 

A study on wild chimpanzees showed that oxytocin levels (the feel-good, love hormone) were highest following food-sharing events.

Aside from creating a sense of togetherness, oxytocin works magic in our bodies. It’s like a stress-buster superhero. It helps lower cortisol levels (which are responsible for stress and anxiety) and like we said, fills our cup with feelings of warmth and happiness.

  1. Fuel to move 

Movement – an important one to us, and to you. If you’re lucky enough to get to move your body, whether that be a pilates workout, a HIIT session or a long morning walk, the right foods power our bodies to move.

Carbohydrates, lean proteins, healthy fats along with various vitamins and minerals give our body energy, endurance, protect our physical health and help us feel strong. They fuel us to show up, perform and push ourselves to new limits. 

  1. Brain power 

Just like how cars need fuel to run, our brain needs food to work well. Despite our brains only taking up 2% of our body weight, they use 20% of our energy usage. 

Eating foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains and healthy fats boosts our brain power. It takes them, breaks them down into glucose and uses that for energy. Without energy it can’t function properly, leaving you with brain-fog, lack of focus and mood swings. 

The right foods help our brain think, learn, form memories and remember things. We wouldn’t get very far without our brains, so it’s important to nourish them! 

  1. Joy 

Last, but certainly not least. Food is functional, but perhaps the most important – food brings us joy.

So many of life’s special moments are shared around food, and when you’re there – those moments are so much more than what you look like. In fact, in those moments, we bet you don’t even remember what you looked like, but instead, how you felt. And how you made others feel. 

Choosing to focus on how food makes us feel instead of how it makes us look is a great way to start healing the relationship that diet culture damages. You are so much more than what you look like, and life is too short to feel sad about food. 

Small changes have big impacts over time, so we’re here to help you build those habits today. 

About Daily Food 

Hi! We’re Daily Food. We’re here to help you implement small, daily changes that help you feel good.

Eating the right foods and nourishing our bodies (in whatever way is right for you) is the best thing we can do for our physical health, but also our mental health. The science says so, but the proof is in the pudding (get it?).

The first step towards change is awareness. Our You & Food survey is designed to better understand your (and your communities) relationship with food and to discover their experience with diet culture (anonymously, of course). 

Shame thrives in silence, and we want to help bring this complex and delicate issue out of its ‘suffer in silence’ depths and into the public forum, where it belongs; where we can talk about it and understand it all, together.

We’ll use the results to work alongside health professionals and experts to learn how we can help to  positively influence behaviours around food and body image and to develop up-to-date resources to give your community the tools they need to have a beautiful and happy relationship with food. 

We passionately believe that food has an incredible amount of power to improve our lives in really substantial ways and to connect us with the ones we love and as a community. But it hasn’t always been this way for a lot of our team, which is why we are so committed to helping others, helping your community, to feel and experience the joys of food. 

Ready to change the world and dismantle toxic diet culture? Same! Take the 10-minute survey here. And, you’ll get 50% off our best-selling Super Bites while you’re at it! 

Movement, Training

The importance of working your core in *all* planes of movement

To strengthen, tone and transform our core, it is essential to work our muscles in all directions and positions from chest lifts and side overs to 4-point kneeling and planks. This is the key to achieving a defined core.

Why is it important to work our core in all planes of movement?

Our abdominal muscles support and protect our spine and organs. Bodily movements come from our abdomen and torso. Functional abdominal muscles support our respiratory system and breathing. The different movements which come from our core include flexion and extension (bending over or reaching up), rotation and lateral flexion (sideways) – sometimes multiple directions at the one time. When our abdominal muscles are connected, strong and functional – they support and protect our spine through each plane of movement. One of the most important functions of our core is supporting our spine and entire body in our neutral position. This is the ideal position for the body, following the natural curve of the neck, spine and pelvis, from our head to our toes. 

What happens when we don’t?

When we limit our abdominal exercises within the same planes of movement, we start to see imbalances in the body which leads to pain, discomfort and injury. We build tone in specific areas and neglect other muscles, creating uneven strength and tone. 

What are the benefits of each position? 

We spend most of our lives moving through upright positions. We work our abdominals on the ground or various side lying, planking and standing positions to work against gravity – deeping the abdominal connection and strengthening these muscles. We integrate movements with layered sequences, stabilising holds and small equipment – creating deeper activation through the abdominals.

Chest lifts:

  • Using a small Pilates ball adds extension to support our spinal flexion. The increased range of movement works the abdominal muscles through their full and functional range. We are targeting the deepest abdominal layers (transverse abdominis, internal obliques and the rectus abdominis).
  • We add rotation to challenge our obliques and include our external obliques, which supports twisting movements in day to day life.
  • Integrating various leg movements and positions further challenges the stabilising muscles in and around your core.

Side planks:

  • Target your obliques by focusing on the relationship between the hips, arms and obliques.  
  • Challenges your coordination.

Supine (laying on your back) hips on ball:

  • Creates instability through your pelvis, requiring deep activation and control.
  • The addition of extending your legs challenges your coordination to support the weight of the extended leg.

4pt kneeling:

  • Challenges your abdominals against gravity and supports and stabilises your spine in the 
  • Adding leg extensions creates imbalance which requires deeper abdominal connection.


  • A progression on the 4pt kneeling position. 
  • This is a total body move which requires every muscle in the body to connect and activate in order to support the position of the body, hold and stabilise. 

Now you know the importance of working your abdominals in different positions, and the benefits of each position, try this 20-minute ab workout which brings every position together to strengthen, tone and transform your core.