Challenge, Movement

Lazy Girl Workout Plan

The Lazy Girl workout plan is not just for the lazy girls, but for those days you just cannot bear the thought of working out. Quite often it’s these days when our bodies need it most, however we give-in to watching Netflix or scrolling on our phones. Rather than releasing stress and tension, we start to hold this in our bodies which creates long-term imbalances in our hips, neck and posture. You can read more on that here.

But don’t feel guilty – I can relate to those feelings after a full day at work, between running around after the kids and finding the time to cook dinner, catch up on emails and get my workout in. Even when it’s the last thing I think my body needs, it always feels better for it. Movement is a way to release the build up of stress and tension we hold onto through our busy lifestyles. It supports our circulation and blood flow, which boosts our energy, improves our digestive system and stimulates our nervous system – all essential to a healthy body and mind.

So next time the lounge is staring at you after a long day at work, try swapping 20 minutes of your TV show for a workout and feel the difference it makes in your mood, posture, sleep and energy levels.

Feeling ultra-lazy? Here are my top 5 tips for the ultimate Lazy Girl.

  1. Start with a stretch. Sometimes the best place to start is just by rolling around on your mat. Start my wriggling all ten toes, then find a bit of movement in your legs, find neutral pelvis, feel your lower abs connect, feel your ribcage connect, roll your shoulders back, open up your chest and feel energy through your fingertips. Now you are ready to move.
  2. Set up your mat and equipment next to your bed and literally roll out of bed. Getting your workouts done in the morning removes the barriers you create during the day to move. If you are short on time, set your alarm 20 minutes earlier and get your workout done before anything else in the morning. It will wake you up, and set you up for the day.
  3. Do something you actually enjoy doing, rather than exercise which feels like a punish. This one sounds obvious, however often we set unrealistic expectations of going for a run, going to the gym or showing up to an early morning HIIT session. All types of movement have benefits on the mind and body, yet some leave us feeling more depleted than when we started. Find something you actually enjoy doing, and still have the energy to move after your workout. 
  4. Embrace rest and recovery. Rather than categorising sleep, rest or general relaxation as “laziness”, embrace these moments as self-care. Take yourself for a massage, allow yourself to sleep in, spend a few moments during the day to meditate or enjoy a weekly sauna session. Honour your body’s recovery and relaxation process to actually improve your workouts. 
  5. Set yourself a goal and celebrate your wins. Feeling ultra-lazy? Set yourself a goal of 3 workouts this week, and when you get them done, celebrate! Buy a new outfit for the weekend, call a friend to tell them, do something which makes you feel good.