

If you scroll through TikTok regularly, you would be familiar with the many dietary trends which pop up on your for you page. While these trends sometimes lack proper nutritional advice and knowledge, they can provide the opportunity to showcase how individual diets can vary with a common theme being convenience – finding the quickest hack to achieve something.

TikTok user or not, you are likely familiar with the trending ‘Girl Dinner’. It has no real rules or regulations other than swapping a cooked meal for an amalgamation of snacks (usually whatevers readily available in the fridge or pantry). Sound familiar? We have to admit, we love the idea of throwing together a plate of our favourite snacks in just a few minutes. But not at the expense of our dinner lacking balance and nutrients. So why not make it healthy? 

Here are our tips of maximising the nutritional benefits of your ‘Girl Dinner’ plus a few of our favourite ingredients which deserve a place on your plate.

The non-negotiables for your ‘Girl Dinner’ – enjoy a snack plate all you like, but make sure you are including each of the following:

  • Protein– This is essential to keep you full and satisfied, you can add protein by plant based or animal sources. 
  • Carbohydrates– Complex carbs such as seeded crackers and bread.
  • Fibre– This will keep your digestion optimal, this can be incorporated through fruits and veggies. 
  • Vitamins and Minerals– These are important to keep your health optimal. Most fruits,veggies and nuts are great for this. 

Our take on ‘Girl Dinner’ is a balanced, nourishing and wholefood based meal. A meal which will keep you feeling satisfied and balanced. Our ‘Nutrient-Dense Snack Plate’ is the perfect ‘Girl Dinner’, a delicious and balanced quick and easy dinner or snack. 

Our ‘Girl Dinner’ includes eggs for protein, Seeded crackers for healthy fats and fibre, Cheese for protein, brazil nuts for healthy fats and crucial nutrients (hello selenium!) and olives, because they are delicious!

Want to add some more protein? Just add some wild caught smoked salmon. 

What is your take on ‘Girl Dinner’, we would love to hear it!