Health, Lifestyle, Movement


A new year always starts with strong intentions.

More veggies, less sweets.

Less time spent scrolling, more time spent moving.

Sound like you?

The intent is there, but after a few weeks off, bouncing back into a solid routine is not as easy as it seems. Whether you have embraced “holiday pace” (slow mornings, early nights) or have come to the end of party season, the idea of “bouncing back” may seem daunting, and impossible!

Let me show you how “bouncing back” is completely within your reach, with just a few simple hacks to get back on track, rediscover your routine and feel like your best self, again.

  1. It starts with a positive mindset. As you are reading this, reflect on how you are feeling. Scared, hesitant, unmotivated? Switch up those feelings for determination, positivity and empowerment. Believe in yourself, you can do this! 
  2. Set realistic goals. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by unrealistic new year resolutions. My approach? Start with something you know you can achieve. There is always room to go upwards, but coming down can feel disappointing. Here you go – I am challenging you to start with 20 minutes of positive, feel-good movement everyday, for a minimum of five days a week. Are you ready? Let’s go!
  3. Small steps to big wins. What are some small steps you can implement into your day, to keep you feeling motivated to achieving your greater goals? Here are some of my favourites:
    • 2L of water each day – sip mindfully throughout the day. 
    • 5 minutes of relaxation and reflection – it’s only 5 minutes, but will make a huge difference to your mood and energy levels.
    • 10,000 steps per day – this is more of a leap than a small step, but increasing your step count is hugely beneficial to your health and longevity. Tomorrow morning, try walking to your morning coffee rather than driving, take the stairs rather than the escalator, and if you haven’t reached 10,000 steps by evening, go for a stroll after dinner to help with digestion and circulation.
  4. It’s all about balance. And when I say balance, I am not referring to a workout in the morning and a pizza in the evening. You should not have to “earn” your pizza with a workout, enjoy both and feel better for it! When I talk about balance, I am referring to finding balance across aspects of your lifestyle. Exercise, diet and self-care are intertwined and play important roles in your health and wellness. How are you going to find balance in your every day? 20 minutes of movement a day requires a protein-rich, plant based diet to keep you feeling energised and strong. 
  5. Prioritise rest and recovery. There is no good in increasing your exercise without active recovery and appropriate rest. Incorporate more stretching, try going without your phone for 20 minutes before bed to help with sleep, and book yourself a sauna or wellness treatment. There is no better form of self-care than some well deserved recovery rituals!

And when it comes to your workouts, here are some helpful hacks to “bounce back” into your regular routine:

  1. Create your at-home studio experience. Create a space in your home dedicated to your workouts, have your equipment ready to go, a scented candle or incense and some motivational music. Create a space you enjoy spending time in, where you feel safe, centred and ready to move. 
  2. Take the guesswork out of choosing what to do, and follow a challenge or personalised program. Save time scrolling for workouts and follow along my daily recommended workouts. This has been proven to achieve the best results.
  3. Remember how good you will feel after a workout. Remember, movement is medicine. Feeling exhausted, anxious, stressed about being back at work? Fluidform is your safe haven to spend 20 minutes on the mat, in your own space. Think of your workouts as your “me time” for the day. 
  4. Sore neck? Stiff back? Tight shoulders? When we take some time off regular movements, our bodies fall out of balance and little niggles and tightness start to creep in. Ready for the best form of motivation? 20 minutes on the mat might loosen that knot in your back, release the tension in your neck and leave you feeling taller, lighter and balanced.