Challenge, Movement


Chests lifts are a fundamental core exercise we use to activate our deep abdominal muscles, connect our breath to our movements and strengthen our core muscles. Chest lifts are the building blocks of solid and defined abs. Layering is a technique we use to progress our movements, fatigue our muscles and create change in our body. When we layer our chest lifts, we have the ability to transform a strong core into a toned core.

Here are 3 progressions to your chest lift, to make all the difference to your body. Place your small ball beneath your shoulder blades, have your knees bent and hold your head heavy in your hands, leaning back and over the ball. It is essential to maintain a neutral spine position for the duration of this sequence.

Chest Lifts in Table Top

Progressing from the fundamental chest lift position, gentle lift both legs into a table top position. Just by holding this position, you will feel a deeper connection in your abdominals. Inhale to prepare and as you exhale, lift your chest towards the ceiling as you would perform a usual chest lifts. In this position, you are working harder to engage and stabilise your core.

Repeat 3 sets of 10.

Chest Lift Hold with Toe Taps

Maintaining this table top position, this time you will hold your chest lifted, maintaining neutral spine and begin to tap your toe down towards the mat. Gentle tap the mat before drawing your knee and leg back into tabletop position. Alternate legs.

Repeat 3 sets of 10, alternating legs.

Chest Lifts with Toe Taps

Now we will combine both movements for the ultimate abdominal connection and burn. Start in a tabletop position with your head heavy, leaning back and over the ball. Inhale and take one toe down towards the mat, exhale as you tap the mat and begin to bring your leg back into tabletop, as you lift your chest up towards the ceiling. Hold everything at the top, before repeating the movement on the other leg. Your chest and legs are moving simultaneously, away from each other and then pulling together.

Repeat 3 sets of 10. Take breaks between to reset your neutral spine position. Remember to breath with each movement and allow your breath to help you reach that little bit higher, or hold for that little bit longer.

Ready to put this sequence to practice?

Try This Workout!