Are you experiencing tightness through your neck, chest, hips?
During pregnancy, your body releases hormones that make your joints more mobile. This mobility helps with the adjustment of your spine and pelvis as you prepare to give birth. Just one of the amazing changes your body undergoes as you prepare for childbirth.
As your body adjusts, you may find that your muscles start to tighten. It is important to stretch these muscles, to release tightness, while not straining your joints.
As you move through your pregnancy, the range of movement in your joints will reduce. I recommend slow and gentle stretching. Avoid moving your joints through extreme ranges. Focus on opening the neck, chest and upper back, along with your lower back and inner thighs.
Side lying chest openers – These are a safe and comfortable position for all expecting mums that you can do morning and night.
- Lay on your side, with your bottom arm supporting your head, fingers interlocked behind your head and elbows in front of you.
- Bend your legs in to give you a bit more stability in the position.
- Inhale to prepare and as you exhale open your top elbow, rotating your head and top rib towards the back of the mat.
- Keep your hips, knees and feet stacked to increase the stretch through the side of your body.
- Hold this open position for an inhale, find expansion through the ribs and a nice stretch through your shoulders and chest.
- As you exhale, bring your rib, head and elbow back to the stacked position.
- Repeat this movement three times on each side.