
Fluidform for RECOVERY

Moving consistently and experiencing muscle fatigue and tightness?

RECOVERY is one of the most important processes in your Fluidform movement journey. Recovery promotes circulation and allows your muscles to both relax and engage. Recovery helps to reset your alignment, release tension and tightness and effectively balance your body. Without effective recovery, you may be overworking your body which leads to imbalances, pain and injuries.

When our muscles feel sore or tight, we are tempted to rest which can lead to cramping and further tightness or pain. Even on rest days, it is important to integrate gentle, considered movements to promote blood flow through the muscles and oxygen through the body to aid with recovery. Fluidform focuses on total body alignment and targets even the smallest, neglected muscles. Fluidform movements combine mobility with strength, working each muscle to their full function. A full functional muscle moves freely and efficiently into both concentric (shortening) and eccentric (lengthened) phases.

Other forms of exercise including running or high intensity training do not work your muscles through their full range of movement. This can lead to swelling or tightness around the focus muscle groups e.g. runners knees or hips and limits our ability to freely lengthen or straighten. Fluidform is essential for active recovery – warming up, stretching and lengthening every muscle in your body to regain balance and alignment. It is important to only work within a range you feel comfortable maintaining your form.

If you are experiencing pain, start by stretching to reset and rebalance the body before moving into gentle movements to warm up the muscles and gradually move them through their full functioning range. 

Try this gentle stretch & movement sequence for recovery.
Link to Journal>

Support your body’s recovery process with essential nutrients and protein. After exercises, our muscles require adequate protein to properly recover, grow and maintain strength. Incorporate these ingredients to aid your recovery between workouts.

Beetroot – Beetroots are arguably the perfect food to add to your post-workout routine. Studies suggest that beetroot may help to speed up muscle recovery due to its high concentration of nitrate. Nitrates have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which improve oxygen levels in the bloodstream. Try adding raw beetroot to your next smoothie, or roast beetroot to your favourite salad.

Avocado- Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, needed for muscle and joint healing. Try pairing your avocado with carbohydrates, such as sweet potato, for a well rounded post-workout snack.

Collagen – Studies have shown that the high amino acid content in collagen may aid in muscle repair and recovery. Collagen may also help with recovery time from exercise related injuries by strengthening joints and ligaments.

Eggs – Eggs are a highly nutrient-dense food known for their high bioavailable protein content, which is vital for all aspects of muscle growth, recovery and maintenance. Eggs are also high in vitamin D, vitamin B2, selenium, choline and many other important nutrients. Always opt for free range or pasture raised eggs if possible.

Salmon – Studies show that an increase in omega-3 fatty acid intake, from fish such as salmon or sardines, may help with muscle soreness after exercise.

Try our three recipes for RECOVERY including Kee’s go-to breakfast smoothies filled with energising properties to keep you fuelled all morning.

Start the recovery process with this Beetroot & Raspberry Collagen Smoothie
Increase your protein intake with a Poached Coconut Chicken Bowl
Support your recovery with Chai, Walnut & Carrot Muffins