
Are you curious about the Magic Circle?

Discover how you can transform your body with this secret weapon + my top 3 magic circle exercises.

What is the magic circle, and how does it work to challenge and support our bodies?

The magic circle is a piece of small equipment used in Pilates, which brings variety and challenge to our movements and positions. The magic circle has flexibility, bending and stretching to activate different muscle groups. It takes a great deal of strength to hold and maintain a hold on the circle as you move through different positions. This added intensity not only advances the movements, but challenges your coordination, balance and focus.


  • Provides feedback, making it very difficult to cheat the movements and ensuring you feel a deep burn in each position.
  • Activates every focus muscle in movement as you work to maintain control and flow.
  • Requires upper and lower body connection for a total body challenge
  • Supports and deepens specific stretches and positions which otherwise would not be achievable.

Now you know the power of the magic circle, try my top moves using this magic piece of equipment!

  1. Dipping bird with the magic circle. In a 4-point kneeling position, place the magic circle between your sternum and the floor. Drift forward, lowering your chest towards the ground with your elbows bending back beside your ribcage. Feel the resistance in your arms and shoulders. The magic circle challenges the dipping bird movement, while supporting your position to maintain a stable, neutral spine and neck. This exercise is helpful while you learn to execute the perfect Fluidform dipping bird.
  2. Side lying sequence using the magic circle between your ankles. Lying on your side with your legs out long, place the magic circle between your ankles. Maintain equal pressure through your legs, squeeze your legs together and hold for one breath. This exercise targets your inner thighs and obliques. The magic circle provides feedback and keeps your legs and pelvis in a stable position, activating and toning the inside thighs and lengthening the sides of your hips and waist.
  3. Chest lift with the magic circle placed between your thighs. This position may be done with or without your small Pilates ball. The magic circle challenges the stability of your pelvis, activating your lower abdominals quickly and efficiently.