Community, Lifestyle


I know it can be hard to stay motivated. When life gets in the way, our own health and wellness takes the back seat and our daily movement and balanced nutrition goes out the window. Everyone and every body is different, so I asked our members what motivates them to move and eat well. 

What is your main driver of motivation?
What encourages you to take a leap?
How do you prioritise your health and wellness?

Fluidform members weigh in…

“Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.”

– Brene Brown


“I’m staying motivated by having my workout set for each day. I don’t have to find it. It’s right there and it’s under 20 minutes.”

“Consistency is key- no matter how small the steps, every step counts.”


“Taking pictures before a new challenge begins and tracking my progress.”

“I have a picture of our next holiday location as my phone background and on the fridge (for which a swimsuit will be required!)”

“I am motivated by how strong my body is feeling each day. As my arms and shoulders learn to hold my weight for longer periods each time – this motivates me.”

“I have my favourite quote sticky taped to the TV remote “consistency + persistence = success” so each time I pick it up when the kids are napping I will flick to Fluidform instead of Netflix  and I keep my gear in the lounge room so there’s no excuses!!”

“One thing that is my biggest motivator is to always tell myself when I am unmotivated and going into exercise, that all I expect from myself is 10 minutes. From there, I never fail to keep going as it only takes me 10 minutes to remember how much I love moving, even on the hard days.”


“Nourish the body to fuel the mind.”

“Embracing the whole thing – workouts, sleep, food and steps.”

“I’m finding the workouts and the meal plan just phenomenal. I cannot tell you how much I’m enjoying it all. After one week I feel stronger, straighter, firmer. The food is so delicious and super easy to prepare. Thank you for putting it all together, it’s clear you’ve put so much thought into the challenge for all your clients to benefit. I LOVE your work and am so grateful to have you in my life.”

“I just submitted my halfway photos and already I can see a difference in my mindset and my body. The difference eating fresh food is amazing. I’m just so grateful for the challenge and turning my thoughts around healthy eating and exercise. It is actually nice food and I love serving it to my family and getting everyone involved. That’s a win for me. My girls are now cooking with me and loving seeing me exercise. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying it as much as me.”


“All the little gains motivate me! My jeans are starting to feel a little loose and I’m starting to see some tone returning to my body.”

“I also wanted to say how amazing Fluidform has been for me. I am early 40’s and have spent my life at Boot Camps, gyms and doing personal training and I can honestly say this is the best most effective exercise. I am the most toned I have been in my life and no longer have the sore knees, sprained ankles and aching neck! After 6 months of 6 times a week of FFAH I have found the exercise that is perfect for me – thank you!”

“I started this challenge with a *VERY* weak core and tonight I could do one-legged pelvic curls!!! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼🙌🏼 3 weeks ago I had little to no strength and tonight I felt strong and more able to push and challenge myself, rather than just get through the workout 🙌🏼. Share your wins – no matter how small they are! ❤️”


“Just remembering how good it is to feel strong both body and mind. That keeps me going.”


“My two-year -old motivates me! They pick up things so quickly… We were at a cafe for lunch with my in-laws today and as I was telling the waitress our order, little miss said ‘mama wine’. Some afternoons I’ll fall on the couch, yawn and say mamas tired and she will say ‘mama coffee’. Now when I pull out my laptop she says ‘mama exercise’ so even if my intent wasn’t to go to my dashboard I find myself agreeing and getting my ass up because she just thinks it’s the best fun!”

“My Motivator is my daughter Jewel, who is also doing the challenge(Advance). She checks in on me, encouraging me to keep going. Jewel is a great support & determined person.”

“This group (Fluidform Facebook Group) keeps me motivated. Knowing others are doing the same thing.”

“Haven’t really been living by a motivational quote but I truly have found this group (Fluidform Facebook Group) so inspiring and motivating. I am excited for each new meal and workout which really makes a huge difference to motivating me to get up and do it. Even though there is no one to answer to, there is a huge sense of accountability by being a part of this challenge and community and also a massive sense of accomplishment. Which really helps me keep going. I often only manage to get to my workout at about 9pm, and it helps me knowing it’s just 20 minutes to half an hour and I’ve done something good for myself today.”