Health, Lifestyle

Tools To Re-Energise & Revitalise

Do you ever experience the 3pm slump?

It’s a feeling we know all too well. Feelings of tiredness, brain fog, fatigue, lack of energy or hunger that creep in between 2pm and 5pm when our brain says – no thank you!

So why do we experience the 3pm slump?

Our natural circadian rhythm (or internal body clock) works to coordinate our sleep drive with our environment. Our circadian rhythm is controlled by a section of the brain which responds to light. We generally follow patterns of the sun – waking up with the sun and falling asleep once the sun goes down. However there are a number of lifestyle factors which impact our biological clock – exposure to artificial or blue light, nutrition, caffeine, exercise and age – meaning our tiredness and alertness levels rise and fall throughout the 24-hour day. On average, outside of our natural sleep patterns, most people experience tiredness between 2pm and 5pm (National Sleep Foundation).

The bad news is, despite our lifestyle choices, these falls and rises are a natural process throughout the day. 

The good news is, there are a number of tools you can implement to manage how your body responds and deals with the 3pm slump. Next time you are feeling the slump, try these steps to re-energise and feel awake.

Relaxation for respite – we often associate relaxation with the end of the day, as a way of switching off before bedtime. However, allowing five minutes during the day for your mind to switch off can help deal with brain fog and tiredness. Try moving your Relaxation time to your lunch break. Relaxation Series.

Spice up your day – research shows incorporating turmeric into your diet lowers levels of fatigue and boosts energy. This superfood spice increases the levels of growth hormone in your brain, increasing your ability to function and focus. Try our Spiced Hot Cacao for a winter warming recipe or Golden Immunity Smoothie during summer. Both make for the ideal midday snack break with energising properties.

Aromatherapy treatment – essential oils are most commonly used for aromatherapy purposes, all possessing unique properties with a number of health and lifestyle benefits. Next time you are feeling tired, try burning an essential oil for energy and vitality. Some of our favourites are peppermint, eucalyptus, orange, rosemary and cedarwood. Try our Pour La Méditation Fluidform essential oil with orange and cedarwood. 

Move your body – it’s no secret we love movement at Fluidform, and the power of movement on your energy levels, focus, physical and mental function and general wellness. Try 10 minutes of movement during your lunch break to get the blood flowing. This 10 minute Fluidform leg workout.

Take a breath – breathwork is another way to calm your mind, reconnect your focus and feel revitalised. The best part, all you need is yourself! Spend five minutes practising your breathing – think breathing deep from within your core, ensuring you are allowing full breaths in and out. Come on a journey with me and follow this five minute breathwork session. Watch here.