Beginner Note 5

For any 4-point kneeling or plank positions, you can modify the exercise onto the elbows / forearms if you need to. It is important to move within pain free range, if you experience any pain or discomfort please limit the range, check your form or stop immediately.

To help with your neck / shoulder pain, the key here is to both build strength to keep the shoulders back, balanced with stretching to help open up the chest – this will help you feel more upright and taller. I have included upper body workouts and stretching that will address this specifically. Make sure that you are keeping your shoulders back and down and away from your ears. Feel free to do these stretching workouts as often as you like! Daily would be awesome if you have the time.

The key to results and building strength is through your breathing and engaging your abdominals effectively. Here are my tips on breathing:

  1. Place your hands onto the sides of your ribcage
  2. Inhale – Breathe back and up into your ribcage – your ribcage should expand wider
  3. Exhale – Draw the ribcage back together and deepen down through the abdominals

This type of breathing means you breathe up and down rather than the belly going in and out.

Make sure you listen to your body, if you need a rest day – take one. Or do a stretching workout – your body will thank you for it!