
Benefits To Finding Neutral

If you’ve been doing Fluidform or any Pilates for a while, you’ve likely heard the phrase “stay in neutral” numerous times. It might seem simple – but this is one of the most important positions when it comes to your form and technique.

Finding and maintaining neutral through your practice will allow you to transform your body, workout safely and correct your posture.

The main benefits to finding neutral:

  • Allows the right muscles to work, as opposed to the ones that like to overcompensate. When you’re in neutral, the right stabilising muscles have their best opportunity to fire and engage and recruit correctly, making your workout a success.
  • Whether you’re laying down or standing up, neutral spine helps to position your joints to provide minimum stress on the structure of the body. Holding your body in neutral means all the right muscles are working to ease the load that comes with holding your body upright.
  • Improves your overall posture and balance – while you’re moving but also across all aspects of your life. Whether you’re carrying your toddler, desk-bound or spending time sitting in your car – maintaining neutral and becoming aware of the position of your spine will keep your posture and body strong and healthy.